Victoria Street

Victoria Street, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
oil on canvas
48” x 24”

  • Jellybean Row
  • Distinctive, unique to St. John’s
  • If you don’t like the weather, wait fifteen minutes
  • A web of wiring and cables

In downtown St. John’s it is totally acceptable, even encouraged, to paint exterior of homes as colourful and cheerful as possible. With the often miserable weather of winter the bright colours of the Victorian homes add cheer to the city.

Originally many of the simply constructed “jelly bean” houses were built as temporary accommodation after the Great Fire of 1892.

One story tells of fishermen painting their homes the same colour as their boats.

Folklore also claims that the bright colours helped sailors spot their homes through the thick fog when they returned from their long sea voyage.

The power and communications lines add to the character of the steep maze of residential streets.