Angkor Temples

  • Angkor meaning: “city”
  • Vishnu, Hindu, Buddhist
  • Faith and the abode of ancient gods
  • Fusion of creative ambition and spiritual devotion

Enormous cotton silk trees and their dramatic roots appear to embrace the architecture, protecting structures and hiding ancient mysteries. The jungle is very much alive and continually needs to be cut back as it creeps over the ruins and artifacts.

The ancient areas of Cambodia are presently threatened by mass tourism. With tourism there are new luxury hotels, swimming pools, air conditioned tourist buses, garbage disposal challenges and vandalism.

Angkor Watt remains an active spiritual and pilgrimage site for Buddhists. Unfortunately uninformed tourists, with cameras, cell phones, radios and loud enthusiasm, often disrespect the sanctity of this place of worship.

The white monkey, suggesting purity, is a sad observer.